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AAUW Monterey Peninsula in the News

“Monterey AAUW maintains strong tradition of mentoring girls” by Dennis Taylor, Monterey Herald, June 9, 2015
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On June 9, the Monterey Herald had a fine article on the work done by AAUW and our branch in particular, mentoring girls and assisting women with scholarships, legal aid, issues of homelessness, etc. Read it and other recent articles and be proud of your organization:
Monterey AAUW maintains strong tradition of mentoring girls (06/09/15)
University Women host STEM event for girls (03/18/15)
Monterey panel seeks solutions for homeless women (04/18/15)
In addition, there is a YouTube of our co-president Sharyn Siebert, describing some of the work we have done. Check it out.