President’s Message

Dear Members and Prospective Members,

Welcome to the AAUW Monterey County website where we invite you to learn more about our vibrant and very active community of women. Our interests are diverse, but we share a passion for the mission of AAUW, which has been advocating for girls and women since 1881, working towards removing bias in education, fighting for fair pay and economic equity, and advancing women in leadership. We encourage you to also explore the AAUW California and National websites to learn about the essential work AAUW continues to do on our behalf, through our participation in these local, state and national efforts.

We invite you to join us, if you have not already done so! In addition to our commitment to the overall mission of AAUW, we share a common goal of creating opportunities for fellowship as we strive to contribute to the communities and society around us. Through our Local Scholarship Program, we provide financial support to women on the path to a four-year college degree. Our Tech Trek program encourages young girls to explore the STEM fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math through a week-long immersion experience, which is often the first time they have been exposed to the myriad possibilities offered by those fields of study

The monthly programs offered by our Program Committee provide opportunities to our village of curious life-long learners to continue to grow intellectually and socially; recent programs have featured a local, Pulitzer-prize-winning author, and a young woman from Afghanistan who continued her studies in International Policy and Development thanks to an AAUW fellowship. Additionally, our members have the opportunity to gather in small groups to enjoy hikes planned by members, to share observations about books we choose to read together in book groups, to explore local sites of interest through “Romancing The Coast” excursions, and to study and discuss background information and policy options for the eight most critical issues facing America each year through the “Great Decisions” program

We echo the voices of thousands of members before us when we celebrate the collective voice AAUW offers us, to speak up and to be heard about the challenges women and girls continue to face, and to effect the changes we want for ourselves and for others.

Thank you for your membership and involvement.

Anne Albano and Debbie Hobbs, Co-Presidents