September Date: Saturday, September 21 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Monterey Center for Spiritual Living,400 W. Franklin Street, Monterey |
Topic: Pros and Cons of CA Propositions on the November Ballot Speakers: from the League of Women Voters Open to members and their guests |
October Date: Saturday, October 18 Tech Trek Fundraiser Time: 2:00-4:00 PM Place: Home of Maureen Vieth |
Tech Trek Fundraiser
Open to members and their guests |
November Date: Saturday, November 9: Escape Rooms Time: 2:00 PM Place: Monterey Center for Spiritual Living, 400 W. Franklin Street, Monterey |
Escape Rooms
Speaker: Christina Riddoch, Entrepreneur |
December Date: December 2024 Branch Holiday Party Place: Home of Pat Fletcher, Monterey |
Branch Holiday Party
Open to Members and their guests by |
January Date: Saturday, January 18: The Demise Of Fundamental Rights Time: 2:00 PM Place: Monterey Center for Spiritual Living 400 W. Franklin Street, Monterey |
The Demise Of Fundamental Rights
Open to members and their guests RSVP |
February Date: Saturday, February 22 Time: 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM Place: Salinas Airport The Flying Artichoke, Salinas |
IBC Luncheon Speaker: Steven Pifer (former Ambassador to Ukraine) Open to members and their guests- Requires advance ticket purchase |
March Date: Saturday, March 22 Time: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Place: Montage Wellness Center Conference Room 2920 2nd Ave., Marina. Take 1 North to Imjin Rd exit. |
AAUW Fundraiser, featuring an AAUW grant recipient
Speaker: Among the national 2024 AAUW Fund Fellows and Grant Recipients, our speaker Adamaka Ajaelo stood out to me by her professional video and her impressive achievements. She is the founder and executive director of Self-eStEM, a non-profit organization in Oakland, providing early STEM immersion training to BIPOC girls, following a multi-faceted learning model to reinforce their STEM identities. You can watch her and other AAUW Fund recipients’ introductory videos on the AAUW-CA website at https://www.aauw-ca.org/aauw-2024-fund-fellows-and-grant-recipients/ |
April Date: Saturday, April 12 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Monterey Center for Spiritual Living, 400 W. Franklin Street, Monterey |
Media Literacy- Misinformation
Speaker: Susan Meister |
May Date: May Time: TBD Place: TBD |
May Annual Branch Meeting
Open to members and their guests |
June Date: Saturday, May 31, 2 pm – 4 pm Place: Casa Serrano, 412 Pacific Street, Monterey. |
Local Scholarship Fundraiser Open to members and their guests Speakers: Scholarship Recipients RSVP |